Thursday, April 05, 2007


One Subway
One Circle
15 Stops
15 Pubs
15 Beers
8 Subcrawlers
several Kebabs, Chip'n'Cheese, Pizzas, Sausages and Fish'n'Chips
Two winners: Dipshit and ME!

The Clockwork Orange

This is how it begins... - Kelvinhall Station

The Discovery Ticket - £1.90 only

Da hatten sie noch gut lachen

First beer of the day (Tennent's of course)


Inner Approaching

South of the border, down Glawegian way: Govan

Ibrox (on matchday)


"Where the hell are we?" - Kinning Park

Die ehrenwerten Drei

Gabriele looks kinda pissed

Dipshit talking to his mother (wanker...)

Wherever it takes us - Shields Road

Bloody Icelanders

Immer inner

West Street

Bridge Street - last stop on the south

The turning point... more stops, seven more beers

Heeeey, St. Enoch

Buchanan Street

The Gallery - Michael is joining us


Marion is joining

St Georges Cross in the dark

Oldschool Subway poster

Gabriele and my flatmates Marion and Michael

The Escalator of Doom - Kelvinbridge

Warning: Subcrawling makes you psycho

Wenn de voll bist, geh heim!



Closing the circle - der Kreis schließt sich

The final beer!


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